The date of invention of pizza is not known exactly, but in the travel book of French travel writer Alexandre Dumas, it is mentioned that poor people in Naples, Italy, eat pizza at every meal in winter.

The date of this travelogue is 1883.



Do you know the types of pizza in Italy?

Even if the content of the pizzas varies considerably according to the person who will make it, we would like to share with you 5 types of pizza that are well-known in Italy.



1- Margherita Pizza

Margherita means daisy in Italian. This pizza, made with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olive oil, basil and salt. It is rumored, Margherita Pizza represents the colors of the Italian flag.



As we mentioned above, the ingredients of this pizza, which the people of Naples consume at every meal in winter, are quite simple and can be made.



2- Lazio Style Pizza

We have no doubt that this pizza consisting of tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, anchovies, thyme and oill appeal to the citizens of the Black Sea region of Turkey.🙂



3- Sicilian Pizza



We think it would not be out of place to say it’s a mother’s pizza, while other pizzas are thrown directly into the oven, this pizza is made in a baking tray and cut in a rectangular form and served. In other words, it is not cooked in a round form but served by cutting it into a triangle. This is the most important feature that distinguishes it from other types of pizza. Although the content of this pizza varies by country and province, mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce and olive oil are among the fixed ingredients used.



4- White Pizza

As the name suggests, the reason why this pizza is white, is that it does not contain tomato sauce. It is usually made with olive oil, garlic, and cheese.





5-Neapolitan Pizza

It is a pizza with the main ingredient of mozzarella and tomato. It has been declared as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. Do you remember pasta with Neapolitan sauce and Neapolitan pasta? Did you notice that these words start as Neapoli (Neapoli= Neapolitan)?🙂











Thank you for reading our Italian pizza blog. We would like to remind you how important the role of ovens are in making delicious pizza, and introduce you to Crystal Pizza Oven.





Hope to see you in the next blogs.


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