In the last few years, the concept of Green Industry has been developed to place sustainable industrial development in the context of new global sustainable development challenges.

Crystal Industrial supports initiatives that encourage a more sustainable growth path, considering green public investments and implementing public initiatives that encourage environmentally responsible activities which leads to a greener industry.

That leads to the application of preventive strategies to manufacture our products, increase efficiency and also reduce risks to humans and nature. This addresses production efficiency by optimizing the productive use of natural resources such as raw material, energy, water, etc. Our R&D team regularly study the minimization of environment impacts through reducing waste and carbon emissions.

ISO 14001:2015

Reflecting its commitment to manufacturing excellence and delivering the highest levels of service and support, Crystal has secured new quality certifications: ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015.

The International Organization for Standardisation ISO 14001:2015 sets environmental management system criteria for organisations. It includes placing increased emphasis on environmental performance monitoring and on decentralising systems to ensure the spread of environmental management throughout an organisation. The certification is granted when companies can demonstrate that they conform to high standards to limit their impact and protect the environment.

At Crystal, we:

– Use the latest technologies in our production units

– Use CFC-free components for insulation

– Recycle metal waste: we have a designated area to collect our metal waste, with separate tanks for each metal group

– Recycle wood waste: we have an area for useless pallets and wood production waste

– Have modern machinery and equipment for improved energy saving

– Test all our product in our testing centre

– Ensure that our chemical waste is recycled in accordance to international standards and procedures

– Use LED lighting system in our products